I'm a formally trained scientist and a self-trained artist. My scientific practice focuses on the roles that the ocean plays in controlling climate, how these have changed in the past, and how they will respond to climate change. My art practice addresses how the histories of capital and the production of scientific knowledge have influenced the production of photographic objects, the construction of meaning in photographic images, and the exhibition of photographic works. I'm also interested in using art objects to investigate spatial and temporal scales of environmental changes, how we experience these changes, and ways of representing them.
2014 - Ph.D. Oceanography, University of British Columbia
Exhibitions and Public Talks
2018 - In Transit Public Art Installation, City of Richmond and Richmond Art Gallery, Capture Photography Fesitval
2018 - "Field Truth", Fifty Fifty Artist Collective
2015 - "Far Away So Close III", Access Gallery (Group Show)
2013 - "Perimeter" (Solo Show, Gam Gallery; Capture Photography Festival)
2013 - "Landscape Mythologies" (Group show, Sierra Nevada College Gallery)
2013 - "Landscape Mythologies" Public Talk
2011 - "Landscape Permutations" (Solo, Gam Gallery)
2010 - One Cool Word 4.4 Launch
2010 - "What we do to thee and thee does back to we -a vast Canadian landscape" (Group show, Gam Gallery)
2017 - Marine Chemistry, Vol. 196: 47-61.
2017 - Polar Biology, doi: 10.1007/s00300-017-2186-0
2017 - Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00229
2016 - Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00078
2016 - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 184: 41-54.
2016 - Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 61: 279-297.
2015 - Marine Chemistry, Vol. 173: 222-233
2014 - “Every Liquor Store in Red Deer”, 52 pp., Rock Bottom Press (LA)
2014 - Decoy Magazine, Portfolio Series 2
2013 - Perimeter Exhibition Catalogue
2013 - Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, Vol. 118: 1-17
2012 - British Journal of Photography, September 2012
2011 - OCW Magazine 5.2
2011 - Fan The Fire Magazine #45
2010 - One Cool Word Magazine 4.4
2010 - Tell Mum Everything is OK, Issue 2
2009 - Re:place magazine, In Focus
2009 - The Photographic Dictionary
2009 - Deep Sea Research I, Vol. 56: 1130-1142
2009 - Marine Chemistry, Vol. 115: 155-162